Given how I can see this achievement list in-game, I think it is safe to say the_ Google Play_ integration is done.

It took me around a day to get to know it and implement the achievements on the platform, and another day to adapt my save file system to that of the Google_ cloud save_ system. (And to get the actual thing to work…)

But now that I see it finished, I think it was worth the hazzle. The game will have the 100, 000 exp (max available per game) in_ Google Play achievements_ (for those that enjoy them) that once again, are the same as on steam. And cloud saving, for those that have more than one device.


I have no idea how long it takes to authorize one game to be on the shop, so once I upload the final screenshots and get all the achievements (for the 4th time, 1st on cellphone though) tomorrow, I think my work with the port will be over.

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