Floats Like You Haven't Seen Before... Probably

Ever been in a situation where you make several variables with the suffices min/max to establish ranges?

You know, for example when you want to have a random number that is between other two? Or when you simply want to establish clamp limits for something?

Well, this is what RangedFloat s are for. I DO have seen other solutions for this, in fact, some are incorporated in the present version. But they either relied on Vector2 (which sucks for simple minds like mine that can't remember that x = min, or whatever), or didn't have that many options, so you may call this a Frankenstein monster of those. Enjoy~

RangedFloats, The New Kid In Town

After downloading the tool, it is very simple to use:

[RangedFloat(0,1)] // (min,max)
public RangedFloat myRangedFloat;
It actually comes packed with a couple of examples, and additional customization options, to be sure to check them out.

Download it for FREE!

Visit The GitHub Repository For More FREE Tools

You just read about one of several FREE tools that you can get on the Unity Development Tools Repository. Again, they are FREE so just go see them, there are neat things in there~

See all of the tools!

RangedFloats are a thing I added in my arsenal after a bit of inspiration from other creator's content. And I've used them ever since.

I just hope it becomes useful to someone else out there.

But Regardless of What You Do, And Like Always…

Thank you very much for reading my blog :3

Forget About Copy-Pasting Code

As a Visual Studio active user, I must say that one of my greatest joys is whenever I can automate things I frequently do.

In this case, I was extremely happy when I found out I could move one or several lines of code at once without the need of ever lifting my hands from my keyboard (call it lazyness, or whatever you want).

Single lines, multiple lines, whole properties or methods, shuffle them around in a breeze with this little tip:

Become A Hands-In-Keyboard Cool Kid

The shortcut is as short as they get:

  1. Select the WHOLE lines you wish to move, or position your pointer over the specific line or method/property declaration in question.
  2. Press CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+Up or Down to move things around.

Read The Full Tip HERE

Get More Useful Tips On The GitHub Wiki

What you just read about was ONE of several programmer tips that are available on the Programmer Tips Wiki.

So if you liked the one you just read, be sure to check it out (or star it) as it gets updated often! 😮

Read More Programmer Tips!

All the other kids, with the mouse-less tricks... okay I'll never do that again... I promise.

But regardless, you get the idea, so I hope you enjoyed the little tip.

And Like Always…

Thank you very much for reading my blog :3

Never Lose Progress Again

We’ve all been there. You have been working on some scene edits for what feels like an hour, and then the moment to panic comes… You were on runtime all along.

For anyone working with Unity, that is the closest to an everyday horror story. Sure, you can always change the color of the editor at runtime to notice something is different. But you can grow used to that and forget.

This is just something that won’t let your eyes rest until you realize what you are doing.

Download The Tool

Using this tool is as simple as it can get, simply add it anywhere in your project within an Editor folder, and it will trigger automatically.

Download It For FREE :3

FAIR WARNING: The message will only appear on the Scene Window (mainly to let you test on the Game Window in peace), when you move something on the scene. Meaning, that if you are just editing the values of some component on the hierarchy, it won’t trigger this discrete message.

Visit The GitHub Repository For More FREE Tools

What you just read about was one of several FREE tools that you can get on the Unity Development Tools Repository. Again, they are FREE so just go see them, there are neat things in there~

See all of the tools!

I hope some project’s life is (someday) saved by this little tool. As I’m sure it has saved my own time from being wasted.

Hope You Enjoy It, And Like Always…

Thank you very much for reading my blog :D