Winter Is Here

(Spent So Much Trying To Make Pun With That Reference, And The Post Contents, But Failed)

	<img   src="/images/posts/2018/01/Winter-Sales-2017-End.png" alt="" />

It is official, wallets are now safe (or at least safer), until the next big Steam sales.

And yes, this might be too well put together to be a coincidence, so I’ll admit it now. This was all part of my evil master plan, to make you spend a couple cents:

	<img   src="/images/posts/2018/01/PEG-Level.gif" alt="" data-recalc-dims="1" />

Head Over To The Sale

PEG 99¢ 84¢ Steam |

From now until the 22nd PEG is going to be on sale. And all I have to say is that if you don’t get it now, the next sales will probably be in around three months.

However, as a little pro-tip to you, blog reader, if you wait until next Monday, you can ALSO GET KNIGHTS ON A DISCOUNT!

What is more, the bundle that contains KNIGHTS and PEG, ALSO STACKS WITH INDIVIDUAL DISCOUNTS.

If you do get the game, hope you like it as I know many have. So thank you for your time.

And Also…

Thank you very much for reading my blog 🙂

GDCR - Juice It Or Lose It

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