Little Room - Flora's Flower

After over a week in development, the wait is finally over.

Little Room is finally complete~


Just as a friendly reminder, the game will be free to play and available on all PC platforms.

It won’t be long until all the download links are up and running, so stay tuned.


Making this second game has been quite the experience.

Not even I knew what I wanted to make out of it, and the week I made it in was interesting to say the least.

While in the making, I couldn’t help but make myself many questions, which actually molded the result.


To some, it might not be the most cohesive story of the bunch, but I always liked things that were open to interpretation.

Hope that those who play it get something out of it, or that at least have a good time.


And of course I also hope that this is another of more games to come.

As always, thank you for reading my blog.

Little Room Beta


Little Room is a short free-to-play text-based game that revolves around decisions and dreams. It is close to be completed, to the point that it might be available to the public during the next week. (It is planned to be finished by tomorrow though)


It might not be worthy to get a game or the year edition, to be nominated to dozens of prizes, or to hold a greater meaning for everyone. But Little Room might make you think a bit, about where you are and what you want to be next.

Our lives go by in a flash, sometimes you might believe that what you are doing is pointless. Or that everything around you is far from extraordinary. But it is sometimes the little things that give a nice change of pace.


In all honesty, even I don’t know what I was doing while making this little project.

But I don’t think that it was a week badly spent, it was an interesting experience of self-examination.

And hopefully, it will rise the question on others.


What is it, that I want to do next?

Little Room Concept

Little Room will be a short free to play light-hearted atmospheric game that will talk about never ending cycles and decisions, it should be available to the public soon enough, given the short length it is intended to have.

This little project is also intended to test out some scripts, as well as to give some use to a couple of assets made a while ago that have been collecting dust. However, do note there is no intention to rush the project, it is a game that will receive the time it demands.

The screenshot might not show a lot right now, maybe it even feels a little empty. But so far so good if I do say so myself. Can’t wait to see how it turns out with all the final assets put together and moving.


That is all for now, but as always…

Thank you for reading my blog :3